Vehicle Chassis (VIN) Number Required to identify correct part:
MA789162 represents the last 8 digits of a vehicle Chassis (VIN) Number, which is formatted like this:SALXXXXXXX
SALXXXXXXX = Vehicle Build and Specification
GA = Year of Manufacture Code
123456 = Vehicle Serial Number
Please check that your vehicle's Chassis (VIN) Number, which is unique to each vehicle, falls within the range of vehicle chassis numbers we state this part is suitable for. Helpful Tips:
- This chassis number format began in 1980 at 'AA' year code.
- 'AA' year code ran from 1980 to 1984. 'BA' began at 1984 and ran to 1986. 'CA', 'DA' etc. changed every year after that.
- Not all year codes exist, for example 'ZA' was never officially used (it was replaced with '1A').
- Some year codes were only used in North American chassis numbers, e.g. 'SA'.
- '1A' year code begins AFTER 'YA' year code.
- Vehicles of 2010 model and onwards use year codes starting again at 'AA', 'BA' etc. (particularly important for Defenders!)
- Freelander 2 and Range Rover Evoque vehicles will have a year code ending in H e.g. '7H', '8H', etc.